Widower: God, Football, Sex and Gold Diggers

Admit it! How often have even the most devout of us have chosen to attend a football game (or other favorite sport or activity) instead of attending church? Or instead of spending time with your family? Or instead of honoring a previous commitment to a friend?

If you are a church goer you might be accused of violating the first commandment, “Thou shalt have no other gods before me.” The non-religious might be questioned on whether they have their priorities straight. Are you choosing to place immediate personal gratification before things with more real long-term worth?

Whether we are religious or not, most of us can all agree that during our marriages we gradually developed a set of values that are important to our sense of self and well-being. These might include such beliefs as:

·        Love is better than hate

·        Truth is better than lies

·        Honesty is better than deceit

·        Compassion is better than indifference

·        Helping others is better than self-indulgence

So often we can easily be distracted from these core beliefs which are important to our well-being.

When we lose our faithfulness to these beliefs and values, and when we choose to adopt contrary values, we put ourselves at risk and endanger our relationships with those we love and depend upon.

Sex in particular can entice us away from those long-held beliefs which have served as our foundation for years. In the wrong hands, it can be used to blind us and turn us to less ethical or honorable practices.

During our most vulnerable time (the first year of grieving) an experienced gold digger can easily manipulate us, and even get us to do things contrary to our beliefs. If our new friend is just feeding our fantasy or appealing to our weakest inclinations rather than encouraging, supporting and helping build us up…this is the time to stop and think about where this is all going. Is this really what you want?

There also are many women (and men) who are just plain desperate because of finances, loneliness, or bad living arrangements. They too can cling to you like a raft in rough seas and drag you down with them if you are not careful. So slow down and ask, are my priorities straight? Are her priorities straight?

When I started dating again I sat down with my two daughters to explain why having women in my life again was important to me… and to let them know that I would be careful. I was fortunate that they did not get angry or resent me for this… in fact, one suggested that her husband (a former Secret Service agent) would background check my new friends!

A good woman or new best friend will help us to continue our growth. They may even challenge us (without being overbearing) to be better! Remember when your wife did that? Maybe we resented it sometimes, but after a while, we often realized that they were just helping us to be our best selves.

Also, if you find yourself in a new and healthy relationship you will find that it is a two-way street… just like your marriage was. That is, you will have opportunities to help each other grow, support each other, and encourage each other. This is the kind of relationship that can make your later years something wonderful and enjoyable, rather than destructive and painful.

So if you find yourself drawn like a moth to the flame of new relationships, please learn to pause (I know this is not easy during the early deep grieving phase) and really think about what you want in a new relationship and what really feels right. You could save yourself from much more pain down the road.

© Copyright 2022 Fred Colby

All rights reserved


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